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Texas roads would definitely be safer without distracted drivers


If you drive to and from work every day, you understand how stressful navigating high-traffic areas in Texas can be. You might adhere to all traffic regulations and try your best to stay alert and cautious behind the wheel. However, if a distracted driver is nearby, there may be little to nothing you can do to avoid a collision. Distracted drivers cause many fatal collisions in this state and across the country.

You can avoid distracted driving yourself and can teach new drivers in your household to keep their eyes on the road and hands on the wheel at all times. You should be able to reasonably expect that motorists with whom you share the road would also be obeying traffic laws and safety regulations. A moment’s distraction can cause a lifetime of devastation. When someone is negligent and causes injury to another, the victim can seek monetary judgment against him or her in court.

Distractions classified under three types

There are many ways to become distracted while driving; however, most distractions fall under three categories, namely, manual, cognitive or visual. Some distractions can be more than one type. The following list provides additional information that can help you stay safe while you travel:

  • Manual distractions involve your hands, in particular, doing things other than steering your vehicle while driving. Such distractions include reaching into a glove compartment or pocketbook, adjusting radio knobs, lighting a cigarette or using a hand-held electronic device.
  • Visual distractions occur when you take your eyes off the road. When you look at a cell phone, billboard or roadside scene, you might as well be driving blindfolded.
  • Cognitive distractions are not always easy to spot because you can see another person’s thoughts. If a driver is daydreaming, conducting a business meeting via speaker phone or is engaged in conversation with a passenger in his or her vehicle, that driver is dealing with a cognitive distraction.

Most drivers have dealt with a temporary distraction at the wheel at some point in their lives. When it becomes a bad habit, though, it can be deadly. Then again, even a first instance of distracted driving is enough to cause a serious collision resulting in severe injury or death.

Seeking post-accident support

The sudden impact of distracted driving accidents often causes traumatic brain injuries, spinal injuries, broken bones, lacerations, whiplash and other injuries. In addition to immediate medical attention, you may need further care assistance as you spend time in recovery. A monetary judgment often provides compensation that can help accident victims meet expenses associated with their conditions.
