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PCAFC acronym applicable to disabled vets: What does it mean?


The acronym cited above in today’s blog headline is logically employed when possible, given that the full text of what it stands for is a veritable mouthful.

That is this: the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs’ Program of Comprehensive Assistance for Family Caregivers.

We’ll go with PCAFC in today’s Michalk, Beatty & Alcozer post, stressing the key points surrounding core program elements and why the PCAFC is important to disabled veterans needing third-party assistance.

Most of those vets are of course most comfortable having a relationship with a caregiver they already know well and with whom they have an established relationship. That often and understandably equates to a spouse, child, parent or other family member.

Although those people often provide a disabled vet with quality and loving care regardless of any bottom line, the VA wants to ensure that they become fully familiar with the PCAFP program.

Doing so can be important, because a caregiver who meets the administration’s eligibility requirements can potentially receive a number of valuable benefits. Here are just a few:

  • Monthly payments
  • Health care access if not already covered by an insurer
  • Caregiver training
  • Mental health counseling (caregiving can be taxing)
  • VA remuneration for costs expended when accompanying a vet in a caring capacity

An eligible veteran can appoint one primary caregiver and up to two additional parties designated as secondary caregivers. An application is essentially a two-part process, with the VA requiring that veterans and potentially eligible caregivers jointly apply.

Questions or concerns regarding veterans’ benefit claims can be directed to a proven legal team that specializes in VA disability matters.
