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Ways to ensure summer visitations go smoothly


Going through a Texas divorce often means dealing with lots of new experiences, especially if you have children. With that in mind, you might be preparing for your first summer as a divorced parent. During this time, you and your child’s other parent are likely getting ready for summertime visits. Here are a few tips to help ensure that summertime visitations go smoothly for you, your ex-spouse and your children.

Come up with a co-parenting plan

Hopefully, you can maintain a cordial relationship with your ex-spouse. Even if things aren’t going well in that regard, it’s imperative to create a co-parenting plan for your children’s sake. A co-parenting plan is a great way for two parents to establish rules, discipline plans, and other important guidelines regarding child custody and visitation.

Avoid trying to make your children jealous

As a parent, it can be tough to hear about a child’s upcoming plans with your ex-spouse. However, you should never attempt to make your child jealous by telling them what you’ll do while they’re not with you. By doing this, it could negatively impact your child’s time with their other parent.

Help your children manage their feelings

It can be understandably difficult for a child to begin sharing time with each of their parents. During summer visitations, it’s common for a child to miss the parent they’re not with. Fortunately, you can help deal with this issue by letting your child know that it’s alright for them to miss you or your ex-spouse.

Avoid talking bad about your child’s other parent

After a divorce, it’s easy for a parent to let their emotions get the best of them. With that in mind, don’t let your emotions allow you to speak badly about your ex-spouse in front of your child. When this happens, it can only worsen a co-parenting relationship.

As the weather warms up, many divorced parents are preparing for summer plans with their children. If you’re having a difficult time establishing custodial rights, consider contacting a divorce lawyer at your earliest convenience.
