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Knowing what qualifies for VA disability in Texas


Veterans in Texas who were disabled while in the army are eligible to receive compensation for their injuries or resultant conditions. If you were injured or developed conditions like Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) or diabetes, you should go for your compensation, but first, you need to know what makes you qualify so that you can prepare adequately. Here are what qualifies you for a VA disability.

Requirements for VA disability benefits in Texas

To qualify for VA disability, you must meet the following qualifications:

  • Served for at least 181 days on active duty
  • Have an honorable discharge
  • Be a Texan, including when entering the service

To win your compensation claim, you will need to see a doctor and get a diagnosis of your condition. Ask your doctor to give you a signed written documentation elaborating how your time in the service brought about your current condition or persistent symptoms.

What are the commonly awarded VA disabilities?

  • Migraines
  • Back and neck pain, as well as any other spinal issues
  • Knee problems like arthritis, decreased movements, weakness, and problems with your joints and muscles
  • Scars with healing problems
  • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
  • Hearing loss or damage

Other injuries that may still make you eligible for compensation include sleep apnea, anxiety, diabetes, asthma and other respiratory conditions, depressive disorders, and chemical exposures. Remember that when applying for a VA disability compensation claim, quality matters more than quantity. Your documentation and witness statement should be to the point with exact dates and must relate directly to the kind of benefit you are aiming for. You should also ensure that all the evidence you submit is verifiable from other sources like your commanding officer or platoon leader.
