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What you need to know about co-parenting plans


When spouses decide to go their separate ways in Texas, they need to figure out how they will continue caring for their kids after the split. Family law requires that divorcing couples with kids decide on a co-parenting plan that outlines custody and visitation rights, child support payments and health care costs.

What is a co-parenting plan?

A co-parenting plan is a legal document that spells out the custody and visitation rights of divorced parents as well as child support payments and health care costs. It’s important to have a co-parenting plan in place because it helps ensure that both parents are on the same page when it comes to raising their kids. Without a co-parenting plan, there is a greater risk that parents will clash over parenting decisions, and this can be harmful to the children.

What are the benefits of a co-parenting plan?

One of the biggest benefits of having a co-parenting plan is that it helps reduce conflict between parents. When everyone knows their role and what’s expected of them, there is less chance for disagreements to arise. A co-parenting plan can also help ensure that the children have regular contact with both parents, which is beneficial for their development.

Additionally, a co-parenting plan can help parents avoid costly legal disputes down the road. If there is ever a disagreement about custody or visitation, the parties may visit the terms of the co-parenting plan and use them as guidance. This can save both time and money in family law court proceedings.

Lastly, if parents or their children need access to medical records, school information and other important documents, the co-parenting plan can help expedite the process. It spells out who is responsible for making these kinds of decisions and what information they’re entitled to receive in order to make those decisions.

Creating a co-parenting plan requires input from both parents, which includes the willingness to compromise and an understanding of the children’s best interests. Also, when developing a co-parenting plan, parents should remember that it is legally binding.
